I found myself wanting to have extra money than what I usually have. This is quite bad. I'm wanting more than what I need. Hate this. I guess I have to save up. And refrain from playing DM? Oh my! @_@ Sacrifice... sacrifice...
Oh, I've been into a lot of pondering lately. One of them is the thing that I am scared of. Of course, not gonna mention it here. Oh wait. I think there's only one person who know this fear of mine. *giggles* Miss that person. *neko/fox smile*
Oh my! The effect of hormanal changes... tsk, tsk. Tomorrow is our midterm in PHC-B. Was able to read my books, but they're not related to the subject. Haha! That's how I study. But I do like to study. It just happened that I don't usually get my desired 'ambience'. Arte! Pashaway.
I have to end this entry here and deal with my psyche. Gosh! I don't want to have multiple personality. Or worse... Dissociative Indentity Disorder. Hey, they're the same! I hate DID term. <_<
"Of all the things I lost, I miss myself most." Did I say it right?
Hormonal changes? Haha! Nakaka-bakla ka, darling! *hugz and kisses*